Illustrative Example: Plan for M&E (Step 6)

The following indicators are examples of the types of things your program will want to monitor and evaluate. Base your indicators on your SBCC objectives and plan. Select only indicators that are feasible to measure and will tell you whether or not you are succeeding.

Pregnant women and mothers of children 0-24 months

  • Proportion of women in 3rd trimester who say they plan to exclusively breastfeed
  • Proportion of women who say they believe colostrum is good for the newborn
  • Proportion of mothers of children 0-24 months who report giving their newborn colostrum
  • Proportion of women who correctly define exclusive breastfeeding
  • Proportion of women who know how long to exclusively breastfeed
  • Proportion of mothers of children 0-24 months who report they exclusively breastfeed/breastfed
  • Length of time mothers of children 0-24 months exclusively breastfed
  • Proportion of women who know who to ask for breastfeeding advice
  • Proportion of mothers of children 0-24 months who continue to breastfeed while providing complementary foods from six months until 2 years of age
  • Proportion of mothers of children 0-24 months who know to continue breastfeeding even when the child is sick
  • Proportion of breastfeeding mothers of children 0-24 months who know about needing to eat 2 additional nutritious meals daily from the 4 food groups until they stop breastfeeding
  • Proportion of breastfeeding mothers of children 0-24 months who consume 2 extra meals daily while breastfeeding
  • Proportion of mothers of children 0-24 months who report seeing/hearing breastfeeding messages on radio/TV
  • Proportion of mothers of children 0-24 months who report they would recommend breastfeeding to other women
  • Proportion of mothers of children 0-24 months who believe optimal breastfeeding leads to healthier babies
  • Proportion of mothers of children 0-24 months who have discussed optimal breastfeeding practices with friends or family
  • Proportion of mothers of children 0-24 months who recall program messages and materials on optimal breastfeeding practices

Fathers of children 0-24 months

  • Proportion of fathers of children 0-24 monthswho know at least three health benefits of breastfeeding
  • Proportion of fathers of children 0-24 monthswho say they believe that breast milk is all the nutrition and water a baby needs for the first six months
  • Proportion of fathers of children 0-24 monthswho say they encouraged and supported the choice to exclusively breastfeed for the first six months
  • Proportion of fathers of children 0-24 monthswho report they helped the mother with chores and childcare

Grandmothers and other caregivers

  • Proportion who are aware that colostrum improves newborn survival and long-term health and development
  • Proportion who report they allow the feeding of colostrum to the newborn
  • Proportion who are aware that breast milk is enough for the first six months
  • Proportion who report no use of formula or mixed feeding in the first six months
  • Proportion who report providing appropriate complementary foods to infants in their care after six months
  • Proportion who say they approve of breastfeeding for at least two years
  • Proportion who report recommending exclusive breastfeeding and other optimal breastfeeding practices to family members at least once

Religious leaders and faith communities

  • Proportion who can quote at least one religious rationale for breastfeeding.
  • Proportion who know at least three health benefits of breastfeeding.
  • Proportion who know at least two risks of mixed feeding or of not breastfeeding.
  • Proportion who promote optimal breastfeeding practices in at least one sermon or religious publication.
  • Proportion who encourage fathers and other family members to assist the mother with chores and child care so that she is able to breastfeed on demand.
  • Proportion who encourage families to ensure that breastfeeding mothers get two extra meals each day.
  • Proportion of faith leaders and faithful who oversee, organize or participate in at least one breastfeeding promotion/support activity.
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