Appendix B. Ebola Communication Response Tables

These tables provide an at-a-glance guide for addressing common Ebola issues through communication.

Many of the messages included in this matrix were adapted from the Message Guide for Ebola Communication, Social Mobilization Sub-Committee, Version 3, January 23, 2015, developed by the Republic of Liberia Ministry of Health in partnership with UNICEF, WHO, CDC, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs and the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative, Population Services International Liberia, Liberian Red Cross, African Union, International Federation of Red Cross and the Red Crescent Societies, the Beneficiary Communication, USAID, and UNFPA.

Denial of Ebola

A guide to addressing denial through communication

Lack of trust

A guide to addressing confidence issues through communication

Resistance to Safe and Dignified Burials

A guide to promoting safe burial practices

Fear of Health Facilities and Ebola Treatment Units

A guide to address fear and promote health seeking behaviors

Ebola Stigma

A guide to reducing stigma using communication efforts


A guide for promoting continued vigilance without re-igniting panic

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