Chapter 2. Maintenance Stage

As the crisis evolves and more information is known, social mobilizers/spokespeople should listen to stakeholders and audience feedback, and correct any misinformation. All public information should offer emergency recommendations and explain how to make decisions based on risks and benefits, in close consultation with the health authorities at the incident management system or other emergency response centers.

Considerations during this phase include:


  • Continue researching the KAP related to Ebola, or updating any pre-outbreak studies; stay on top of rumors and misinformation and address them immediately in order to allay fears.

Social Mobilization and Communication

  • Deepen community engagement and maintain two-way communication between the general public and social mobilizers, health officials and other trusted sources of information.
  • Ensure that all possible channels of communication are used to maximum effect and that messages from all players remain consistent.
  • Ensure there is a mechanism in place to allow social mobilizers and spokespersons to adapt responses based on information from rapid assessments and other data sources.
  • Ensure that both public and private physicians and health workers (HWs), as well as community and traditional leaders, are in sync with each other and the overall plan and distributing the same consistent and correct messages.
  • Ensure channels and mechanisms for communicating with vulnerable and hard-to-reach populations are in place. Ensure staff members are paid (e.g., social mobilizers, communicators) on a consistent and regular basis.



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