Plan for Design and Launch: Team

The next step in drafting your business plan involves providing an overview of the team that will design and introduce the new SBCC product, service or intervention. The team should be balanced with team members that possess diverse skills, perspectives and experience. According to Edward B. Roberts of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management, a high-performing, innovative team normally has members who possess specific characteristics, take on strategic roles and carry out well-defined functions.

Roles  Characteristics  Functions 
The Idea Generator  This person has very keen technical skills. This person is considered an expert in his or her field. He or she likes to work on a conceptual level and deals well with abstractions. This person is considered highly innovative and tends to prefer working alone. You can count on this person to solve problems, generate breakthrough ideas and test the feasibility of these ideas.
The Entrepreneur  This person has strong application skills. He or she has a wide range of interests, is energetic and determined, and enjoys taking risks. This person puts into action what others propose, sells the new SBCC product, service or intervention idea to others in the organization and secures resources.
The Manager  This person focuses on decision-making. He or she uses the organizational structure and systems to get things done. This person understands how all the functions of the organization fit together and respects procedures and processes. This is a manager who is capable of leading others. This person provides the team with leadership and motivation. He or she plans and organizes the design and roll-out of the new SBCC product, service or intervention, and coordinates the team. This person sees that the process moves along efficiently and ensures that administrative requirements and organizational needs are met.
The Gatekeeper  This person stays informed of what is happening in the field. He or she knows what the competition is doing, what the funders are looking for and what the clients want. This person is a networker. You can count on this person to gather intelligence and relay important news to others.
The Coach  This person represents the voice of experience. He or she is often more senior and offers objectivity and experience in developing new ideas. This person provides access to the organization's power base, to get what the team needs from other parts of the organization and to provide legitimacy and organizational confidence in the new SBCC product, service or intervention. Furthermore, this person provides guidance to the team and helps members develop their skills and talents.


Financial Modeling Tool

Instructions: Read and complete the following steps.

  1. Click on the Financial Modeling Tool (Excel Spreadsheet).
  2. Go to the tab labeled “Main Menu” and then click on the link “Basic Information.”
    • The list of items under Other Direct Costs will appears as drop-downs on subsequent tabs.
  3. Provide the requested information using the instructions provided in the boxes on the far right of the worksheet.
  4. Go to the tab labeled “Master Staff List” and enter in all staff names, roles (titles) and daily rates.
    • This will be based on your review of the “The Roles, Characteristics and Functions of Your Team.”
    • The list of names in the Master Staff List will appear as drop-downs on subsequent tabs.

basic information


master staff list