IMG_2597The next step is to prepare a budget detailing the costs for designing and launching the new SBCC product, service or intervention.

Accurate and complete budgets are critical for leveraging new sources of funding. Budgets are designed to meet two sets of needs. For operational purposes, budgets help an organization to allocate available resources as effectively as possible and monitor and control costs. For management purposes, budgets help managers make decisions, such as what mix of activities or projects can be undertaken in the future.

The Financial Modeling Tool has already done much of the work for you. When you input the Level of Effort and Other Direct Costs required for completing each step, from Design to Manage, you effectively built your budget for introducing your new SBCC product, service or intervention.

Financial Modeling Tool (Launch Budget)

Instructions: Read and complete the following steps.

  1. Refer back to your BPH Financial Modeling Tool.
  2. Go to tab labeled "Launch Budget." The spreadsheet will self-populate once you fill in the “Basic Information” tab, as well as the five tabs: "Design," "Test," "Package," "Promote" and "Manage."
    Financial Modeling Tool (Launch Budget)

    Financial Modeling Tool (Launch Budget)