Now that you have provided highlights about the history of your organization, it is time to share your organization’s current scope with the potential funder or investor. This component of the business plan describes the SBCC products, services or interventions currently offered by your organization, as well as the market scope and the geographic scope of those products, services or interventions. Please note that interventions can be a blend of products and services and can be used interchangeably with either term.

Before continuing, you need to be able to distinguish between a product and a service, and between the market scope and the geographic scope.

Key Distinctions

Product: A product is something that can be packaged, priced and delivered in a number of different ways. It is something that has a defined purpose and use. Using a product does not require interface with another individual. Examples of products include drugs or contraceptives, a training curriculum and beauty aids.

Service: A service is also something that can be packaged, priced and delivered in a number of different ways; however, it is delivered in response to a need and usually requires at least some interaction with another individual (even if virtually). Examples of services include immunizations, surgery and counseling.

Market Scope: The market scope of an organization represents those segments of the market to which the organization targets its products and/or services, (e.g., people of a specified age, gender, socioeconomic status and health status).

Geographic Scope: The geographic scope of an organization describes the geographic area within which the organization's clients or consumers-those who use the products and/or services offered by the organization-live or work.

Current Scope Worksheet

Instructions: Provide answers to questions 1-4.

1. Product Scope 

 What products are currently offered by your organization?

2. Service Scope 

What services are currently available through your organization?

3. Market Scope 

Which segment(s) of the market is your organization currently targeting?

4. Geographic Scope 

What geographic areas is your organization currently covering?