Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Next, your organization should put together a Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Narrative and Plan. The M&E Narrative should describe how your organization will assess whether or not the project has met its objectives within the given timeframe and budget. The M&E Plan describes what indicators your organization will use to measure the project’s success against its objectives, and is generally placed as an annex in the proposal.

Like the workplan, the M&E Indicators should be written in a SMART way (for a more detailed description of how to develop strong indicators, please refer to Section 6: The Social Return Indicators of Strategy B: The Business Plan). The M&E plan should include the list indicators organized by result area and activity, indicator definitions, data sources, frequency of data collection and the project’s overall targets for each indicator.

Illustrative Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Illustrative Indicator Indicator Definition Data Source Collection Frequency Life of Project Target
Result 1: Improved Institutional Capacity in Management and Implementation of the Revitalization of Municipal Health Services Strategy, with Attention to Health Information and Human Resources.
Component 1:  Provincial and Municipality Health Service Planning, Costing, and HRM Development.
Activity 1:  Provincial and Municipality Health Planning Process.
Develop, in conjunction with local stakeholders, Annual Provincial and Municipality Health Planning and Costing Guideline. The Annual Planning Guidelines will enhance the use of data, incorporate best management practices, strengthen budget and financial management, and assess and address human resource needs. These guidelines will be developed with broad input by multi-sectoral Government of Angola staff and key donors. Document Available and Distributed Once One: Milestone
Number and percent of Provincial and Municipal Health Offices (DPS and RMS Units, respectively) supported in the municipal health planning process. Support will begin with fostering the development of Annual Planning Guidelines.  Once the guidelines have been developed and vetted, facilitators will guide the implementation of the plan toward the goals of reducing health problems and increasing the provision of quality services.

Facilitator Reports


Annual Plans


2 Provincial/100%

20 Municipal/80%

Number and percent of DPS and RMS Units completing their Annual Plans on time by the end of the project. The due date for Annual Plans will need to be defined at the time the Annual Planning Guidelines are developed. Annual Plans Annual

2 Provincial/100%

20 Municipal/80%

Number and percent of municipalities with a functioning Municipal Health Committee. “Functioning” will be defined as a committee with at least 75 percent of planned meetings held for each project year. Agenda, Minutes Annual TBD after completing baseline