Ticket Selling Structure
While there is any number of ways you could collect checks and set up your ticket selling system, there are really only two methods that work efficiently and effectively. It is up to you to set up a ticket selling system to be followed by your ticket sellers and host committee.
The first possible way to handle selling tickets and collecting checks is by selling actual, tangible tickets to your event. With this scenario, you will need to print up tickets well in advance and distribute them to your host committee for sale. You should also be prepared to deliver the tickets as you sell them. If you choose this route, make sure you keep a watchful eye on your ticket sellers and committee to make sure they actually sell the tickets and deliver the money to you on a timely basis. You should collect all of the money for all of the tickets they sell and have it in your hands on event day.
If you are selling actual tickets, set up a ticket collection table at the entrance to your event. At this table, a volunteer or member of the host committee collects tickets and distributes nametags. This volunteer should also be prepared to sell tickets to spouses and friends that ticket buyers have brought along.
The second method (and probably the best way to go) is by using a “guest list.” In this scenario, you use a “reply card” or “reply envelope” to collect checks. When you send out an invitation, you include a reply envelope that allows the person to write on it the number of people attending and place a check inside.
Your host committee can hand out these reply envelopes to their contacts and have them either send them back to the organization, or give them back to the host committee member.
When you receive the check and response form, add the attendees’ names and the number of guests to a guest list. Then, set up a table at the door and when guests arrive, they can sign in and receive a nametag as a visible sign that they have paid.
You may also decide to sell using both of these methods. No matter which of these structures you choose, be sure to keep accurate records and a keen eye on your ticket sellers.