The HTSP Implementation Kit

Section 6: Integrate and Implement

While it is possible to design a specific program focused on preventing AMA and HP pregnancy, integrating an AMA and HP communication strategy, messages and materials into broader FP and MCH programs is often more efficient and impactful.

In any FP or MCH communication program, it is essential to ensure that linkages with FP services are in place so that as demand for FP increases, clients can access services where they can receive high-quality counseling and an FP method of their choice.

Service delivery partners can address AMA and HP pregnancy by:


  • Sharing global evidence and recommendations with national and local leaders (e.g., via presentations and factsheets). See Annex L for sample infographics.
  • Including AMA and HP sessions in provider trainings, such as trainings on specific FP methods (e.g., long-acting reversible contraceptive methods/LARCs) or on FP counseling.
  • Distributing posters and client take-home materials at service delivery points (e.g., clinics and pharmacies). See Annex D and E for sample client brochures.
  • Offering supportive supervision (e.g., regular on-site teaching, feedback and follow-up) to healthcare providers on counseling women on AMA and HP.
  • Working to ensure availability of a range of contraceptive methods, including LARCs.



Program managers can also consider integrating AMA and HP messages and materials into non- FP programs, such as more general workplace health initiatives. Some examples on how to do this at the community level are described in Annex F: Guide for Working with Community-Based Groups.

Program partners, such as other local organizations or government offices can address AMA and HP pregnancy by:

  • Sharing global evidence and recommendations with national and local leaders.
  • Including AMA and HP key messages in general FP and MCH communication materials and activities.
  • Developing interpersonal communication and counseling (IPC/C) approaches, preferably accompanied by provider materials and take-home materials for clients.
  • Conducting community mobilization around AMA and HP risks and presenting FP as a solution.
  • Creating characters and role models in radio and TV series with whom AMA and HP women can identify.
  • Ensuring that at-risk women are targeted during recruitment into community-based activities.
  • Distributing leaflets for women at community events and other opportunities.
  • Conducting outreach to community and religious leaders to share information and tools about AMA and HP.
  • Promoting referrals to providers sensitive to the unique needs of AMA and HP women.

Annex C provides more details on key AMA and HP communication activities and approaches.

A critical part of integrating HTSP content in an existing program is making sure relevant research questions and indicators are included in the program’s routine and special monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities, for example:

  • Including questions about AMA and HP in qualitative and quantitative research tools assessing FP knowledge, attitudes and practices.
  • Disaggregating data by women’s maternal age at birth and by parity.

More information on M&E is included in Section 9 of this I-Kit.

Selecting multiple channels for message delivery increases program impact.

Selecting appropriate communication channels – such as mass media (e.g., radio, TV, print), interpersonal communication (e.g., community outreach via community health workers) and information communication technology (e.g., SMS, social media) – to convey messages is critical to successfully reaching priority audiences. More information on communication approaches and activities can be found in Annex C.

Using several different communication channels and approaches creates a higher “dose” of exposure to the messages from a variety of credible sources. When the dose is high and from a variety of coordinated and harmonized sources, the audience response is also high. Achieving such a coordinated strategy is not easy, especially when a program involves multiple partners. However, the rewards are great – more women and couples become aware of AMA and HP pregnancy risks and are encouraged to seek FP services and more adopt modern FP methods.

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