The art of fundraising has been finely developed throughout the world. Fundraising organizations are represented internationally, regionally, nationally and locally. There are multiple reasons why you might choose to join such associations on various levels; primarily for the resources, networks, contacts and references that have been accumulated on behalf of successful fundraising.
This resource mobilization strategy will target organizations that may be familiar to NGOs in Sub Saharan Africa that are interested in developing targeted fundraising efforts while enhancing organizational management skills.
The following organizations are both appropriate and accessible for NGOs working in the region:
Association of Professional Fundraising
In 2006, AFP with partners established the Fundraising effectiveness Project (FEP) to conduct research on fundraising effectiveness and help nonprofit organizations increase their fundraising results at a faster pace. The FEP is focused on ‘effectiveness’ (maximizing growth in giving) rather than efficiency (minimizing costs).
AFP offers a very useful online dictionary to nonprofits around the world. The organization also offers great variety of resources, publications, training materials, conferences, case studies and more.
Southern Africa Institute of Fundraising
Charities Aid Foundation Global Alliance

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) Southern Africa is an independent non-profit organization that promotes effective giving, volunteering and social investment. CAF Southern Africa has been represented in South Africa since 1997, and in 2000 become a registered Section 21 not-for-profit and public benefit organization.
CAF Southern Africa provides assistance to CSOs/NGOs with regards to conceptualizing and compiling fundraising strategies and fundraising proposals.
Resource Alliance
Recognition of recent prize winners at annual conferences include:
Big Idea, Small Budget - Living Earth Uganda
Global Fundraiser – The Children’s Hospital Trust, South Africa
The Resource Alliance also sponsors a Knowledge Hub where the latest information on fundraising and philanthropy, including research, blogs, and news articles can be found. Included among those resources is information on fundraising fundamentals, with ideas of developing and implementing campaigns.
Kenya Association of Fundraising Professions
The primary purpose of the organization is “to encourage people involved in fundraising and resource mobilization to adopt and promote high standards of ethical practice and inject professionalism”. The association aims to bring together resource mobilizers and providers in their bid to enhance development in the country.
KAFP has also taken the lead in organizing Resource Mobilization Workshops in Eastern Africa Since 2005 at the Kenyan coast that attract fundraising professionals from as many as 26 countries globally. These are held annually and are aimed at bringing fundraising professionals up to speed with the global trends and best practice. The workshops are designed to strengthen capacity to mobilize resources and are inspirational, empowering and enlightening. The workshops are supported by facilitators who are fundraisers in their own right from the United Kingdom, North America and East Africa.
KAPF has also contributed to the development of a Resource Mobilization Diploma Course at the Kenya Institute of Management.
World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations
Founded in 2000, the organization has broad base of members, as well as perhaps the most comprehensive directory of NGOs worldwide. This directory, as indicated on the world map below, covers every region of the world:
WANGO has developed a widely accepted Code of Ethics for NGOS, including detailed information on fundraising. General principles include: governance, consistency, mission, honesty, ethical activities. The Code also outlines good practices re: solicitations, use of funds, accountability and relationship with donors.
The Fundraising Authority
The Fundraising Authority was established to help non-profits fund work that matters… to offer them absolute best information and counsel on how to raise money for their organization, no matter how small or large (Online Resources from The website offers professional tools and information to charitable organizations of all sizes. Be sure to check out their Fundraising Basics and Article Archives, as well as their free weekly newsletter. You can get updates from The Fundraising Authority through LinkedIn. If you’re on Twitter, you can also get daily fundraising tips: @FundraisingAuth.
International Committee on Fundraising Organizations
The International Committee on Fundraising Organizations (ICFO) sets forward guidelines for charities that are developed within the guidelines given in accordance with the respective national law and culture. These guidelines may include public benefit goals, ethical guidelines for fundraising, corporate governance and accounting rules, as well as transparency and accountability.
ICFO provides an international network to exchange know-how and share experience as well as advice to establish charity monitoring in their country. Donors, companies, foundations governments, the media and the public receive information about charity monitoring systems and the activities of international working charities.
Council on Foundations
The Council on Foundations (COF) provides the opportunity, leadership and tools needed by philanthropic organizations to expand, enhance, and sustain ability to achieve strategic goals. COF maintains a directory of information for charities globally, e.g. Charities in Kenya, January 2015, available as a .pdf download, as information on Uganda. The directory covers a variety of learning opportunities, resources, training programs, conferences and workshops. While most of these activities occur in North America, the information available through the organization is global, as are the topics and concerns.
European Fundraising Association
The European Fundraising Association (EFA) is a network of 20 leading fundraising associations, working to develop and strengthen fundraising in Europe. It is included here because it provides multiple resources that will be of assistance in Sub Saharan Africa, and may provide historical and/or current connections. EAF offers case studies in setting up a fundraising association (of practical use for countries/cities want to do same); developing fundraising qualifications; running a successful events program; and modeling materials and resources for developing an EFA-like certified fundraising credential, including ethical principles of fundraising.
Certified Fund Raising Executive International
CFRE International certifies experienced fundraising professions aspiring to the highest standards of ethics, competence and service to the philanthropic sector. The organization sets the standard for knowledge, experience and ethics held in high regard by fundraising professionals worldwide. The CFRE credential is recognized globally.
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