Key Concepts
Gender and Health Outcomes
Gender and Behavior Change
SBCC and Gender Theories
SBCC and Gender: Models and Frameworks
Existing Scales for Evaluating Impact
Evidence-Based Recommendations for Gender and SBCC
Follow Steps
STEP 1: Set a Gender Transformative Vision
STEP 2: Gather Gender Specific Information on the Current Situation
STEP 3: Create a Gender Focused Understanding of the Audience
STEP 4: Address Gender with a Behavior Change Theory
STEP 5: Define Gender Transformative Communication Objectives
STEP 6: Select Strategic Approaches and Channels
STEP 7: Integrate Gender into Program Positioning and Message Strategy
STEP 8: Add Gender Indicators to a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
STEP 9: Integrate Gender into the Strategy and Prepare for Next Steps
Activity Sheets
Blank Templates
PDF Version
en français
Assess a Program's Gender Status
Activity 0.2: Understanding and Applying the Gender Equality Continuum
Activity 0.1: Using a Checklist to Review your Program’s Current Status
Step 1:
Set a Gender Transformative Vision
Activity 1.1: Defining a Gender Transformative Vision
Activity 1.2: Telling your Program's Story
Step 2:
Gather Gender Specific Information on the Current Situation
Activity 2.1: Identifying the Core Problem
Activity 2.2: Mapping Community Resources
Activity 2.3: Examining Power Dynamics and Decision-Making
Activity 2.4: Exploring and Prioritizing the Strengths, Opportunities and Challenges
Step 3:
Create a Gender Focused Understanding of the Audience
Activity 3.1: Mapping your Audience's Journey
Activity 3.2: Developing Audience Personas
Step 4:
Address Gender with a Behavior Change Theory
Activity 4.1: Applying Gender to Your Behavior Change Theory or Framework
Step 5:
Define Gender Transformative Communication Objectives
Activity 5.1: Develop SMART (and transformative) Objectives
Step 6:
Select Strategic Approaches and Channels
Activity 6.1: Using Models and Frameworks to Select the Right Approaches
Activity 6.3: Identifying the Best Channels to Reach the Audience
Step 7:
Integrate Gender into Program Positioning and Message Strategy
Activity 7.1: Deciding how to Position your Program
Activity 7.2: Designing the Right Messages
Step 8:
Add Gender Indicators to a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Activity 8.1: Measuring Gender Constructs