To leverage limited resources, shorten the time between program design and implementation, and deepen understanding of the service delivery and demand creation context, SBCC and service delivery partners should identify ways to collaborate on formative research. This collaboration should involve jointly identifying the key issues that need deeper understanding, existing data, and gaps in knowledge and insight about the intended audience, behavioral drivers, situation and context. CHC in Uganda took a multi-step approach to conducting formative research to improve HIV treatment and care communication, which involved service delivery partners throughout the process:
- An initial meeting with treatment partners to understand the key challenges related to service delivery
- A literature review, including project reports, studies and relevant papers developed by service delivery partners and key stakeholders
- A review of partners’ service delivery statistics
- A summary of gaps in understanding about client behavior and barriers to behavior, with findings presented to service delivery partners
- Engaging service delivery partners to mobilize study participants and participatory research with clients to better understand client and provider behavior