
Designing Linkages Between SBCC and Service Delivery

Given the importance of quality service delivery to sustained behavior change on many health topics, it is important to think about how your integrated SBCC program connects to service delivery. As noted previously, SBCC programs can be considered integrated even when they are not integrated with or within service delivery. However, even when an integrated SBCC program is not formally mandated to integrate with service delivery, it is important to consider the implications of your program for service delivery. This is especially true when driving demand for multiple health areas.

Areas for consideration:

  • Engage relevant institutions and providers in the early stages to gain buy-in for integration. Explore how to ensure service availability, and seek out input on and approval of key messages – especially information the program wants providers to deliver. Invite service delivery representatives to SBCC coordinating bodies or working groups if they are not already a part of these groups.

  • Determine the extent to which service delivery health programs are already integrated. For example, how many health programs will the SBCC program have to link with? One integrated structure, or several vertical structures? How much extra effort will this require in terms of message approval, provider training, monitoring and other areas?

  • Map out all of the contact points with clients along the continuum of care for the various health areas of focus. Think about how best to optimize each of those points, and ensure no opportunities are missed to provide necessary information and links to services at each point. At the health facility, for example, there are opportunities at ANC, intrapartum, postnatal care, immunization, family planning and well child visits, among others. Similarly, map out the timing of each of the CHW’s home visits and consider other opportunities at these entry points. For more SBCC techniques to motivate health service-related behaviors among intended audiences across the continuum of care–Before, During and After services–see the Service Communication Implementation Kit

  • Determine the capacity of the health system and providers to meet an increased demand for services. What efforts will be necessary to ensure a quality supply of services? Do you need to consider a phased approach to allow supply to match demand?

  • Consider how to effectively engage and train service providers. Service providers must be knowledgeable about and comfortable discussing the range of topics with clients. They must be able to provide the services or make effective referrals. They must also be willing and able to report on service delivery for monitoring purposes. All of these have implications for the design of your program. Will capacity strengthening be necessary? What job aids and other support will be required? What structures need to be put in place?



Integrated SBCC programs have found different ways to assist CHWs and facility-based providers in counseling and message prioritization for integrated SBCC through training and materials. Some possible approaches include: phased-in training, discussion cards organized by topic, multi-topic flip charts, pre-loaded tablets and mobile applications (apps) for basic or smart phones. Examples can be found in Project Examples.