Harmonizing Indicators
One of the dangers of integrated SBCC programs that address multiple topics is pressure to include a long list of indicators. Including too many indicators, however, can overwhelm your RM&E staff, those responsible for data collection on the ground, and even your research subjects and beneficiaries and greatly increase the complexity of the analysis needed to explain outcomes and impact. Giving in to this pressure even may reduce the quality of the data collected. Select and prioritize your indicators carefully using these tips.
Planning for Analysis
As you develop your RM&E plan, it is also important to consider and plan for how you will analyze your data. Strategically designed data analysis can help specify linkages between different aspects of your integrated SBCC program, help track and quantify what changes occur and where, and identify complementarity within the program.
See How to Develop a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for additional guidance on how to develop a monitoring and evaluation plan.
(When you see a Program Experience, simply click on the photo to read insights from real integrated SBCC programs.)