
Key Questions for Integrated SBCC

Any program considering SBCC integration will likely identify additional advantages and disadvantages specific to their context. Remember that there are varying degrees of integration, and many decisions to be made regarding how many and which technical areas to include, and the weight to give to each. Weigh all of the competing factors and make the best decision for the target audiences and the program. If you are an implementing partner, and the decision has already been made by the donor, find ways to maximize the advantages of integrated SBCC and to reduce the risks, including ensuring there is adequate funding for building and maintaining effective partnerships.

Key questions to consider before deciding to integrate different health topics:

  • What are the pros and cons for SBCC integration in the program’s context?
  • What existing SBCC platforms and policies are already in place? Are they supportive of integration?
  • Whose buy-in is needed?
  • Is there enough time in the project’s lifespan to design, implement, monitor and evaluate an integrated program?
  • Is there enough evidence to make an effective case for integration?
  • Is enough funding available to support both the strategy and the required coordination?
  • Can the staff, volunteers and communication channels handle the implicit complexity of integration?
  • How many and which topics/behaviors should the integrated strategy include, given the resources available (i.e., human, financial, time, etc.) and the coordination effort required?