

Appreciative inquiry: “[A] group process that inquires into, identifies and further develops the best of ‘what is’ in organizations in order to create a better future. Often used in the organization development field as an approach to large-scale change, it is a means for addressing issues, challenges, changes and concerns of an organization in ways that build on the successful, effective and energizing experiences of its members." (Preskill & Catsambas, 2006)

Behavior: What is meant by behavior in this I-Kit? A behavior is an action on the part of the audience that the project will attempt to influence, such as newly married couples adopting a method of family planning.

Clustered behaviors: Health-related behaviors that influence each other in a collective fashion, instead of acting independently on one’s health (e.g. diet, physical activity and sedentary behavior, or alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking and unhealthy nutritional habits).

Collaboration: Joint planning, with some implementation of activities carried out together.

Co-location: Multiple sectors offer programming to the same geographic area. Programs may or may not be coordinated and work with the same target audience or participants.

Concurrent programming: Programs on different topics that are implemented at the same time, but with no intentional unification between topics.

Coordination: Joint planning between different programs to harmonize interventions. Implementation of the programs remains separate.

Coordination mechanisms: Refers to the collection of bodies or processes used to coordinate the project. The bodies may include the various groups such as the coordinating body, task forces or working groups. The processes refer to regularly established meetings, alignment of systems and forms of communication that support coordination.

Cross-training: Program staff receive basic training in the additional topics or sectors, enabling them to include and offer complementary information.

Gateway behavior: A positive health behavior or facilitating factor that may trigger or facilitate other positive health behaviors, both simultaneously and across the family life cycle (e.g., getting women to attend ANC can then lead to malaria intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) uptake, HIV testing, birth planning and other healthy behaviors).

Integrated service delivery: The World Health Organization (WHO) defines integrated service delivery as “the management and delivery of health services so that clients receive a continuum of preventive and curative services, according to their needs over time and across different levels of the health system” (WHO, 2008).

Message harmonization: The process of reviewing existing or proposed messages to ensure consistency in meaning and content. Message harmonization helps ensure that all messages given by all partners recommend the same action, do not provide conflicting technical information and use similar terms and language.

Ripple-effect mapping: “Uses elements of appreciative inquiry, mind mapping and qualitative data analysis to engage individuals to map the intended and unintended changes a program targets.” (Hansen Kollock et al, 2012)

Stakeholders: Stakeholders are people with an interest or concern in your integrated SBCC initiative. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the program (BusinessDictionary, 2017).

Topic: What is meant by topic in this I-Kit? Topic relates to the overall health or development problem the project seeks to remedy, such as high birth rates among young unmarried women or malaria incidence in children under age five.