
Align Reporting Requirements

If the SBCC program is integrated, programmatic and financial reporting should be integrated as well. Such reporting may be difficult given the greater number and variety of activities being implemented, the potential increase in the number of donors/stakeholders to report to and the likely differences in their reporting requirements. If multiple donors or programs are involved, creating expectations for reporting requirements that support integration will help prevent the need for multiple versions of reports. It is helpful to set up expectations and structures for integrated reporting before the program begins or, for example, in an early coordination meeting.

One option is to create a matrix of programmatic reporting requirements from each donor or agency, and identify where those requirements overlap. For example, some reports may use different terminology but require the same content. Discuss how to handle content required by only one or a few donors with partners and donors. Ask the donors what they can give up, and what absolutely must be collected, even if it is for only one donor. Then, create or adapt your mechanisms for collecting data and reporting on the agreed topics and indicators. The Research, Monitoring and Evaluation (RM&E) section provides more information on RM&E coordination, harmonizing indicators and data collection, analysis and reporting.

Donors may also have different financial reporting requirements. Discuss this issue with your donors and come to an understanding about what can be standardized across donors. Explore the possibility of replacing the health-topic-wise reporting system with a system that tracks spending across health areas, and is better aligned with the manner in which an integrated program may plan activities addressing more than one health area while having different funding sources for each health area.


Where possible, let the RM&E plan (once it has been agreed upon) drive reporting.