
Mapping the Landscape for Integrated SBCC

To gain an in-depth understanding of the landscape, start with stakeholder and environmental analyses. This section provides guidelines for conducting those analyses. The Mapping the Landscape for SBCC Integration Analysis Toolkit also provides a series of analysis templates to assist in this process.


Stakeholder Analysis

Integrated programs are likely to involve a significant number of stakeholders from a wide variety of sectors. Such sectors may include health, education, agriculture, technology, communication or others. Start by identifying all stakeholders, and then spend time exploring each of them to gain a deeper understanding of their mission, approaches and needs.


Keep in mind that the complexity of the landscape for an integrated SBCC program increases with the number of topics and/or behaviors that are included, the number of sectors involved (e.g., health, agriculture and education) and the extent of decentralization in those sectors (e.g., operating at national, regional, district and/or village levels).

Stakeholder Identification

Your first task is to identify the stakeholders for each health topic and behavior. Cast the net widely to be sure you capture all of the current and potential players in the field, both big and small. These may include government Ministries (e.g., the MOH and the Ministry of Education), different divisions within a given Ministry (e.g., the Reproductive and Child Health Section, the National AIDS Control Program or the Health Promotion Unit within the MOH), donors, multi-sectoral bodies, civil society organizations, faith-based organizations, NGOs, service delivery partners, SBCC partners, social marketing organizations, systems strengthening partners, universities or media organizations. Program beneficiaries are also key stakeholders.


Worksheet 1: Stakeholder Identification for Integrated SBCC Programs provides a template to guide your stakeholder identification process.

Understanding Stakeholders

Once you have identified your stakeholders, learn about the goals and objectives of each potential stakeholder, how each stakeholder might benefit from integrated SBCC and what each stakeholder can bring to the SBCC integration effort. Be sure to understand any concerns, competing demands or agendas. Investigate what each stakeholder understands about the integration. Some may think integration means concurrent programs under one funding mechanism, rather than cohesive and logically packaged interventions that unite divergent health areas.

Collect the following information on the donors, local government and partners to help you identify gaps, challenges and opportunities for effective and efficient SBCC integration.

Donor and Government

Identify areas of overlap, potential synergies and any gaps unaccounted for by any stakeholder. Are any of the audiences, messages or interventions known to significantly contribute to behavior change in the desired areas that are not currently addressed? Take this information into account when planning and implementing activities.



See Worksheet 2: Integrated SBCC Program Stakeholder Interview Guide for a sample stakeholder interview guide for integrated SBCC programs.


Once you have collected all of this information, organize stakeholder information into matrices as shown in the examples found in Worksheets 3A: Stakeholder Capacity Matrix and 3B: Implementing Stakeholder Matrix. Compile your findings into a consolidated format (see example in Worksheet 3C) for easy reference.