Find Available Channels Reaching the Intended Audience
With so many great communication channels available for reaching urban adolescents, how do you decide which ones to use? One of the best ways is to start with your intended audience—learn which communication channels they mostly use and which ones they trust most to receive SRH information.
You can find the channels that are reaching your intended audience by asking them to describe a typical day in their life. The Worksheet #9: Day in the Life exercise can be used to provide detailed insights regarding the lifestyle and potential opportunities for communicating with your intended audience. The exercise tracks a typical day, from dawn to dusk, listing the things your audience does and places it goes, and identifies potential communication channels at each point along the way. It is helpful to conduct this exercise with each intended audience segment that you plan to reach.
Once you have a sense of the communication channels that are reaching your intended audience, review those channels to determine whether they are feasible and appropriate for your SBCC program. Worksheet #10: Reviewing Available Communication Channels can be used to review communication channel information for your intended audience.
Media consumption studies can help you figure out what types of media your audience pays attention to. Usually these won’t be able to give you the amount of detail that you are looking for, but are a good place to start. For instance, you may be able to find out what stations and program categories youth of a certain age group listen to and watch, but you may not be able to find out from these studies whether those youth are sexually active, pregnant or living with HIV.
Worksheet #9
Day in the Life
Worksheet #9 Example
Day in the Life: Zanbe
Worksheet #10
Reviewing Available Communication Channels
Worksheet #10 Example
Reviewing Available Communication Channels: Zanbe