Summarize Key Information and Create Audience Profile(s)
A name and a representative photo of each audience segment is a simple first step to make your audience come alive. Although you will be using a name for your audience, you will not be describing a single person. Rather, that person will be representative of young people like him/her. Giving a name is a reminder that your audience is comprised of real people, not just numbers and data.
Once you have agreed on the name and found a suitable photo to represent your audience group, you can start developing your audience profile. There are many considerations for a good profile and the figure below gives you an idea of the type of information required.
The two Worksheets that follow, Worksheet #5: Summarize Key Information About your Audience and Worksheet #6: Audience Profile, will help you identify the important information about your audience to use to develop effective messages and activities for them.
You will need to complete Worksheet #5 first and then this will help you work through Worksheet #6.
Worksheet #5
Summarize key information about your audience
Worksheet #5 Example
Summarize key information about your audience: Zanbe
Worksheet #6
Audience profile
Worksheet #6 Example
Audience Profile: Zanbe