Demand Generation I-Kit for Underutilized, Life Saving Commodities

Perspectives de changement de comportement et instructions de communication relatives à six interventions de survie de l’enfant

Perspectives de changement de comportement et instructions de communication relatives à six interventions de survie de l’enfant

This document is meant for those who want to incorporate behavior change and communication strategies into their child survival programs, as well as those who already plan and carry out such activities. It focuses on six major interventions and the key practices associated with these. It examines the challenges associated with improving these practices in developing country contexts, and aims to provide insight into how to design effective strategies.

behavior change communication child survival

pdf icon Behavior Change Perspectives and Communication Guidelines

Year of Publication: 2005

Organization: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Academy for Educational Development, UNICEF
Length: 294 pages

Languages: English

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