Demand Generation I-Kit for Underutilized, Life Saving Commodities

Implication des hommes et des garçons dans l’égalité de genre et de santé [kit d’outils]

Promundo and MenEngage Alliance with support from UNFPA produced this Toolkit that addresses strategies and lessons learned for Engaging Men and Boys in diverse themes such as Sexual and Reproductive Health; Maternal, Newborn and Child Health; Fatherhood; HIV and AIDS; Gender-based Violence; Advocacy and Policy, as well as addressing issues around Monitoring and Evaluation of this work. It includes tools and activities from organizations and programs from around the world which can be adapted and utilized by other organizations. The toolkit includes information on: Introduction/Gender Transformative Programming, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, Fatherhood, HIV and AIDS,…

Promundo and MenEngage Alliance with support from UNFPA produced this Toolkit that addresses strategies and lessons learned for Engaging Men and Boys in diverse themes such as Sexual and Reproductive Health; Maternal, Newborn and Child Health; Fatherhood; HIV and AIDS; Gender-based Violence; Advocacy and Policy, as well as addressing issues around Monitoring and Evaluation of this work. It includes tools and activities from organizations and programs from around the world which can be adapted and utilized by other organizations. The toolkit includes information on: Introduction/Gender Transformative Programming, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, Fatherhood, HIV and AIDS, Gender-based Violence, Advocacy and Policy, and Monitoring and Evaluation.

Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Health [Toolkit]Engaging Men and Boys in Gender Equality and Health

Year of Publication: 2013

Organization: Promundo
Length: webpage

Languages: English

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